My earlier readers would recall this blog as a place with frequent reviews and posts that stemmed out of my journeys. I had always written this blog as a record to places I've been to, and journeys I've made. Ever since I started creating videos, I've not been able to spare time to write here, although writing had always been one of my favorite things to do. Changed priorities are to be blamed - the pressure of creating videos, activities at my workplace, and my family time left me with very little time or energy to write here. This is not a disclaimer, or an excuse.
Over the past few months, I've been nurturing a dream of writing my experiences as a solo traveler somewhere. This might not be the finest piece literature you read - these are just random thoughts and experiences I've had. Now, this was a disclaimer.
Chapter 1 - my first solo outing!
This was in the earlier 1990s - could be 1992 or 1993, probably. I was probably about 6 or 7 years, may be. Or might be a year older.
I was a pampered child. Rightfully, since I was the second son to my parents, born over a decade after my elder sibling. I was never allowed to go anywhere out of my house alone - perhaps, not even to the next house. We were a nuclear family settled in a middle class neighborhood in the city of Coimbatore. I studied in the same school where my mother worked - so, the journey to school was always with my mother. I do not recall going out even on a school trip without my mother being present - talking of a very loving, caring and possessive mother!
I badly wanted to go out of the house, somewhere, alone. After pestering my mother with this demand for a long time, she finally let me go out for the first time, all alone! Guess where! To the nearby annachi kadai (neighbourhood multi-purpose store). The purpose - to buy a box of matchsticks!
The shop was roughly 50 metres or so from my house - roughly 7-8 houses away. Our street was on the long end of a "T" shaped road, and the shop was located exactly where the long road meets the perpendicular road - visible from our house.
An AI Generated image of a boy walking to the shop! |
My task was cut - I had to walk along the left side of the road (we were taught in School that one must walk on the left side of the road - I grew up to understand that it was actually safer to walk on the right side, given then vehicles in India follow a "Keep Left" policy), without looking anywhere. On reaching the other end, I had to look on either sides and safely cross the road. Go to the shop, buy a box of matchsticks and walk back the same way, carefully.
I think I was given a Rs. 10 note (or may be that was a Rs. 5 note). A pack of matchsticks cost some 10 paise (Rs. 0.10) back then, If I recollect correctly. I was not authorised to buy anything else, other than the matchbox - and I really did not think I wanted something else either.
I walked out of my home - I was excited about traveling all alone, and at the same time, a little scared because this was my first solo outing from my home. I was scared of dogs, and our road had plenty of them. After dodging all the challenges, I managed to reach the shop. The shop had a 4 feet high counter - the little me was too small to talk face-to-face with the annachi (shopkeeper). Kids going to shops is not new - the shopkeeper warmly received me, and asked the purpose of my visit.
I told him what I wanted - he took out a box of matchsticks and handed over to me. I handed over the currency note that I had (I think that was a Rs 10 note - or perhaps a Rs. 5 note). I did not talk further, or think further - I turned around and walked back home, with all the excitement of going out all alone! I was all smiles as I walked back with my prized possession - the box of matchsticks, that I had just purchased paying almost 100x its value!!
My mom was all excited and angry at the same time! She did not scold me - but asked me to sit at home, and walked to the shop to collect the balance! I was told that I must collect the balance, after she returned home!
That was the first solo travel of the traveler in me!